Yes! Your satisfaction is our top priority. We guarantee all of our work for 1 year against defects in materials and craftsmanship.
Not at all! Like most cleaning products, they should never be swallowed. We strive to use the most green processes that don't leave a harsh smell and our sealers are water based.
Yes. Our colour sealing process allows you to change grout from light to dark or dark to light with plenty of colours and shades to choose from!
Colour Sealing Protection can usually be applied in 1-2+ hours depending on the size of the work area. The floor is ready for light foot traffic in just 2 hours. The Colour Seal will then cure over a 30 day period.
If Tile and Grout are maintained properly, the protection will typically last 3 years.
Ceramic tile should be maintained using a neutral PH tile and grout cleaner. Harsh cleaners like bleach, ammonia and vinegar should be avoided and can damage grout.